Full financial visibility, with your other bank accounts and credit cards all in one place. Get interest on your money, personalised budgeting and much more.
Earn up to 0.51% (AER/Gross fixed) interest on your savings. That’s on a 12-month Fixed Pot with a $500 minimum deposit to open. (Fixed means the money will be locked away for 12 months while you earn interest on it.) We offer Easy Access Savings too, which let you get your money the next working day!
Pay Direct Debits through Picana and we’ll tell you if they’re higher for the upcoming month. So no nasty surprises.
Get instant notifications the second you pay. Set budgets for things like groceries and going out, and get warnings if you’re spending too fast (if you want them).
We offer overdrafts up to $500 and loans up to $3,000. Checking if you're eligible won't leave a mark on your credit score, there are no lengthy forms to fill in, and no charges for paying us back early.
Your money in Picana is FSCS protected up to $85,000. Compared to other US banks, we’re 4x better at stopping card fraud, and 3x better at stopping identity theft.